Conduit Node from Catalyst Conduit Node

Is there a way to get a conduit Node from a catalyst_conduit Node in Python?


Hi Andy,

not sure what you mean.
In Python you can directly use the catalyst_conduit module in place of the conduit.


What exactly are you looking to achieve ? Can you give en example ?

I’m trying to use the same conduit node in both ParaView Catalyst and Ascent during a simulation run. The ParaView Catalyst Conduit node has some extra information in it but the way I’m currently constructing the node is that I first create the Conduit node for Ascent and then for Catalyst output I add in extra information after that. Ascent doesn’t know anything about a Catalyst Conduit node type (in Python) and gives an error if I construct the simulation information as a catalyst_conduit node. I’d like to be able to use the similar conduit parts of what Ascent needs and Catalyst needs in the same hierarchy.

Does that make sense?

Yes it does thank you !
Do you use the same conduit library for both Ascent and Catayst (and ParaView) ?
By default catalyst uses an internal copy of catalyst. Since you are mixing more libraries I would recommend to start with using the same external conduit library for Catalyst and Ascent.

In Catalyst you need to compile with CATALYST_WITH_EXTERNAL_CONDUIT.
For Ascent, I believe one can only build it using an external conduit library.

When catalyst is compiled with this option the catalyst_conduit package reduces to

from conduit import *

where conduit is the externally provided one. So, it should help in this case since it points to the same package.