Connecting points as lines


I have several 2D lines and I want to display them together as shown in the attachment. Is it possible to convert points to lines?
Thank you

Hi @Crown

Do you have a way to identify which point is part of which line in the data ?
Are the points ordered ?


Hi Mathieu,

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to identify which point is part of which line.


Then im afraid paraview cant either

From your screenshot, it should be easy to separate the profiles by their x-coordinate. (I am sure it can easily be done using Python in ParaView. As I am more familiar with code in octave/matlab, personally I would separate the data and interpolate it to something regular, e.g. netcdf, externally. Alternatively, you could triangulate the separated profiles and generate e.g. vtk/vtp)

Hi Mathieu,

I can identify which point is part of which line in the data, what can I do to connect those points?

Thank you

You will need then to implement a programmable filter that uses this logic to ordonnate the points into lines.


Thank you for your quick response.
