Creating a tree with different data at each node

I have a Newton based optimizer and I am extracting some information into a tree like structure. My data looks something like this:

  • Optimizer
    • objective function initial value (double)
    • Newton iteration
      • CG Solver iterations (int)
      • CG Solver error (double)
      • Line search iterations (int)
      • objective function value (double)
    • Newton iteration
      • CG Solver iterations (int)
      • CG Solver error (double)
      • Line search iterations (int)
      • objective function value (double)
    • total execution time

So as you can see, I have a tree structure where, at each node of the tree I can have some values and/or some children nodes.

I would like to know if its possible to load this kind of data into a vtkTree and load it in Paraview. I haven’t found any example where I can see how in the each node in the vtkTree I can store different values.