Crystal Eyes stereo on Windows

Running Paraview 5.11.1 using MS-MPI. I launch four pvserver jobs using our .pvx file, the --stereo flag, and --stereo-type=“Crystal Eyes”. When I try to connect to these using a client, I get the following error. All four processes are running on a single shared memory system. This same .pvx file works correctly on our Ubuntu machine. Any idea what’s going on here?

Waiting for client...
Connection URL: cs://caveb:11111
Accepting connection(s): caveb:11111
Client connected.
(  85.402s) [pvserver.3      ]    vtkRenderWindow.cxx:264   WARN| vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (0000025F4CAE9710): Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not support stereo type CrystalEyes is not possible.
(  85.402s) [pvserver.2      ]    vtkRenderWindow.cxx:264   WARN| vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (000002D8E4A97780): Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not support stereo type CrystalEyes is not possible.
(  85.402s) [pvserver.1      ]    vtkRenderWindow.cxx:264   WARN| vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (000001D9F10E62C0): Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not support stereo type CrystalEyes is not possible.
(  85.403s) [pvserver.0      ]    vtkRenderWindow.cxx:264   WARN| vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (000001B42AA5A6E0): Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not support stereo type CrystalEyes is not possible.````

Not sure yet but stereo is supported on Windows, the warning are definitely incorrect.

I believe the window refers to the vtk render window, not the OS.

A mistake in the configuration files is very possible; I hand copied the contents with the potential for errors, and the windows machine isn’t exactly the same as the Linux one, in terms of how the displays are configured and arranged.

Win32 refer to Microsoft Windows.

Any updates on this one?

Well, as I said, it’s supposed to work and is used without issue here. You may want to open an issue.