Running Paraview 5.11.1 using MS-MPI. I launch four pvserver jobs using our .pvx file, the --stereo flag, and --stereo-type=“Crystal Eyes”. When I try to connect to these using a client, I get the following error. All four processes are running on a single shared memory system. This same .pvx file works correctly on our Ubuntu machine. Any idea what’s going on here?
Waiting for client...
Connection URL: cs://caveb:11111
Accepting connection(s): caveb:11111
Client connected.
( 85.402s) [pvserver.3 ] vtkRenderWindow.cxx:264 WARN| vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (0000025F4CAE9710): Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not support stereo type CrystalEyes is not possible.
( 85.402s) [pvserver.2 ] vtkRenderWindow.cxx:264 WARN| vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (000002D8E4A97780): Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not support stereo type CrystalEyes is not possible.
( 85.402s) [pvserver.1 ] vtkRenderWindow.cxx:264 WARN| vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (000001D9F10E62C0): Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not support stereo type CrystalEyes is not possible.
( 85.403s) [pvserver.0 ] vtkRenderWindow.cxx:264 WARN| vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (000001B42AA5A6E0): Adjusting stereo mode on a window that does not support stereo type CrystalEyes is not possible.````