Customized Paraview Glance


I have setup paraview glance with laravel app now i want to customized Paraview Glance template, like its module sidebar, header,footer.


You can create your own project and depend on paraview-glance then you can override any file (template/style/…) using custom alias in your webpack config.


Can we also implement webxr vr module within 3D glance ?

If you go to global tab, you will have a toggle to switch the system to VR but we didn’t link the controllers. It was mostly tested with the Vive.

I want to integrate Augment reality and Virtual reality in Paraview 3D Glance

I’m sure it’s possible but we didn’t explore that path yet, so it is hard to tell.

You told about Virtual Reality, It is displaying on mobile devices but in PCs it is displaying only on chrome after install WebVR API Emulation extension but it display white page after toggle on Desktop. In mobile devices, it is working fine.

The toggle will hide the 3D view in the browser to properly use the native resolution of your headset. We should have a put a place holder to fill the view but we didn’t due to lack of time. But because of that, you should see a nice looking scene in the Vive for example.

BTW, if you use Firefox on Windows it support WebVR natively.

Is there any way to edit code for SAVE_STATE event?

I’m not sure to understand what you mean or what you are trying to do?

I mean to say I want to add custom functionality on Save State Click

You can override the full file that define the save action by using alias. That’s why we always use the full path in our import so anyone who needs to customize something can swap any file he wants with his own one.

can we customize sample data because we are fetching datasets form aws s3 server?


We are uploading save state generated glance file on S3 server. Now we want to display and open those files in glance.

We changed glance file path of our server but it is displaying below error:

eval(“webpack_require.r(webpack_exports);\n/* harmony import / var paraview_glance_src_samples_images__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = webpack_require(/! paraview-glance/src/samples/images / “./src/samples/images/index.js”);\n\nvar version = window.GLANCE_VERSION && window.GLANCE_VERSION !== ‘master’ ? “v”.concat(window.GLANCE_VERSION) : ‘master’; // prettier-ignore\n\n/ harmony default export */ webpack_exports[“default”] = ([{\n id: ‘F53W87001’,\n date: ‘11/30/2018’,\n image: ‘’,\n datasets: [{\n name: ‘20181214_17-58-33.glance’,\n url: ‘’ }]\n}]);\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack:///./src/samples/index.js?”);

Can we convert .glance extension to png or jpg?

I’m guessing you are replacing that file in your build using aliases like suggested earlier?

Do you mind sharing the content of your file?

Did you check your network tab to validate that the glance file get downloaded from that s3 bucket without cross origin issue or what not?