Different results in Paraview and CFDPost from same fluent data

Hi. I have some fluent data and i exported them in gold-ensight format and opened in Paraview. But I am getting different contour plots for velocity in Paraview and CFDPost. The one in CFDPost matches with the literature. Is Paraview doing something different or should i need to do something different while plotting the contour? I have attached the result from both-the one with distinct contour patches is CFDPost and is correct.

thanks if someone can provide some help.

What is wrong with ParaView render ? It looks correct to me, you are just using a difference color map.

No, in the CFDPost can you see the distinct semi-circular patches being displayed? I want the same pattern in Paraview be it any color map…

Are you talking about the isolines ?

Use contour filter to generate them

Means if i see the CFDPost, then its diferent from Paraview. See this new attached figure? Or am i not visualising it properly. Without isolines even doesnt it look different?

The new figure is in paraview but grayscale

Please share your data.

one second

Hi I am uploading the .dat file but after getting 100% it is showing uploading error. Do you know whats the problem?

Use wetransfer.com instead.

Whats the email ID?


I have just sent it, the .cas and .dat file in a zip (fluent results tho). You may convert to ensight-gold format. or do u need something extra?

It looks like this when I open the data:

Please share the data you are opening in ParaView. Ensight gold format I suppose.

Hi. I have just sent it a new zip. there please open the .encas file in Paraview, thanks

Hi, did you have a chance to look? thanks

Like this?

Here is the state file:

contour.pvsm (514.8 KB)

yes, i could not get like this in paraview? How did you do this? thanks

  • Switch to XRay colormap, invert it
  • Use Contour filter
  • Then adapting the “number of colors” to the contours

Did you try loading the state I shared ?

I am downloading now.