Display of Contour from a 2D CSV File

I write 2D CSV files from Fluent out to create animation videos in ParaView. I convert the CSV files using Table to Points and then see just points, not interpolated contours. In case I save the 2D data in Tecplot format (PLT), the automatically interpolated contour appears. What should I do? Many thanks for your help!

compl-1-ca-350_v192.txt (1.5 MB)

Hi @wqGeng

You should be able to use Delaunay2D filter to recreate cells.


Hi Mathieu

Thanks for your prompt reply! I have used Delyunary 2D after Table to Points, but ParaView crashed.


It working fine with ParaView 5.13.1 Linux binary release:

Make sure to use “Best Fitting” projection plane mode.

I am using ParaView 5.13.1 on Windows 10. Where can I turn “Best Fitting” projection plane mode on? I’ll try to use Linux version.

By clicking here:

Once Delyunary 2D worked on Windows. I could get the interpolated contour as you got. However, the Windows version crashed six times and just one time worked.

After the Linux version installed I have to update openGL, see the error message below. Do you know where I can download openGL for ParaView?

I have a Tecplot file written by Fluent. I can read it into ParaView without any error messages, but I don’t see the geometry (2D contour). Could you try it? Many thanks!
comp-y=0.plt|attachment (3.1 MB)

However, the Windows version crashed six times and just one time worked.

Ill need to try on Windows.

Are you using ParaView in WSL ?

I don’t see the geometry (2D contour). Could you try it? Many thanks!

This data is empty, no points.

I use CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009.

The geometry is not visible, but the file size is more than 3 MBytes.

Make sure to install your GPU drivers then.

CentOS 7 is not anymore supported. I’ll install RedHat with our IT expert. It takes time.

Previously, I installed ParaView-5.13.1-Windows-Python3.10-msvc2017-AMD64.msi on Windows 10 and had a problem with filter Delaunay 2D. Today I install ParaView-5.13.1-MPI-Windows-Python3.10-msvc2017-AMD64.msi on Windows 10 and get an error message “MPI_Win_lock_all was not found in the DLL C:\Program Files\ParaView 5.13.1\bin\adios2_core_mpi.dll.” Are the two installer for Windows 11?

Download the version without MPI in the name.

The non-MPI version works well on Windows 10 except filter Delaunay 2D. Now I export CGNS format and it works well in ParaView to plot contour and vector pictures. Many thanks for your support!

I have another question about 2D velocity vector (Vax and Vtan) on a cylindrical surface. iHat, jHat and kHat are cooresponding to X-, Y- and Z-coordinate. Is there unit vector for axial, radial and tangential direction?

Please share your data and steps to reproduce.

Is there unit vector for axial, radial and tangential direction?

Im afraid not

I read the attached CSV file on Windows 10. The steps look as follows.

  1. File > Open, choose the CSV file and then CSV Reader. No any error message.
  2. Filter > Table to Points, set X Column, Y Column and Z Coulum to x-coordinate, y-coordinate and z-coordinate respectively. Points are displayed after clicking
  3. Filter > Denaunay 2D, ParaView crashes at 16%.
    compl-1-ca-350_v241.csv (1.5 MB)