Hello. How can I display a polygon with lines AND visible points? Choosing Representation=Surface/Wireframe displays it with lines, Representaiton=Points displays with points, but I can’t make it with both at the same time.
I need it to display the control points of a Bezier curve. Typically, some control points are almost along a straight line, and if it is displayed with only lines, the individual points can not be differentiated. If it is displayed with points, I can not see the order of the points.
Try duplicating (Copy and Paste pipeline) the polygon by right clicking the polygon in the pipeline browser.
Then you can display one as Wireframe and the other (duplicate) as Points
In the properties panel, you can also change the appearance of points to “Sphere ” and increase their size for better visibility.
I tested this quickly in my paraview and it works.
Please mark this as a solution if it works for you.
Also be aware that copying a filter may be costly as it will be executed twice, using time and memory.
Another way is to add a “no-op” filter, like PassArrays
(no computation cost and no memory cost)
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