documentation on Mesh Quality filter


The ParaView documentation about the Mesh Quality filter (5. Filtering Data — ParaView Documentation 5.11.0 documentation) currently does not explain the meaning of all quality measurements that can be displayed. For example, for HexQualityMeasure, what is distortion and stretch?

Thanks a lot,

This is the code that is used by the mesh quality filter.

I hope it helps

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I can’t seem to figure out from this code what the filter actually does. For example: when I set ‘area’ for ‘triangle quality measure’ and then go to coloring section of property browser I get ‘area’ vector with 5 components. Why does area have 5 components? what do each components mean?

Is there a specific documentation for this filter anywhere which tells what each selection does?

I am working with a mesh and need to find a way to get the radius of its circumcircle by selecting the face id.

The Verdict library has a manual:

but Verdict does not provide circumcircle radius (or diameter) as a quality metric as that is not generally indicative of the quality of the element. Verdict does calculate the circumradius in the course of computing other quality metrics (such as the radius ratio), so you could look at the source code to see how that quantity is computed. But if you want the circumradius as cell data, you’ll need to write your own filter; VTK and ParaView do not provide one.

It would be really great to have this description VTK/Filters/Verdict/vtkMeshQuality.h at e6ff1732b32d6d18f7d2cda115eb013cc9b2cbff · Kitware/VTK · GitHub in the user guide, on 5. Filtering Data — ParaView Documentation 5.12.0 documentation

Please improve the guide, you can contribute to it here: