Does anyone look at the frustum resulting from Select Cells Through/Select Points Through?

In the Find Data dialog, there is an option to show the frustum defined by a Select Cells Through or Select Points Through operation. A checkable button controls the visibility of the frustum, and is highlighted blue in the screenshot below.

Is anyone using that feature? Would you miss it if it were gone?

  • Please keep the Show Frustum option
  • I wouldn’t miss it if it were removed

0 voters


Cory, no feedback from my users. I’m OK getting rid of it.

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That was useful way way way back during development of the feature, and a good way to make illustrations for the books and such. I can’t really think of a practical use for it today though.

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What is the rationale for removing it ? Fine for removal imo but unless there is a reason to, I do not see why it should be.

It is somewhat usefull during ParaView course to explain the concept of frustrum to beginners.

I completely agree with Mathieu with regards to classes.

The one reason I can think of for removing the frustrum code is that ParaView is already a hugely complex program. Removing unneeded algorithms and code simplifies said code.

We are adding multi-selection capabilities to ParaView. It simplifies things if we don’t need to draw the frustum.

Makes sense in this context, thanks.

You removed this? Also need to remove it from Ex 2.28 in the tutorial guide 5.11.0.

We did remove this. Thanks for pointing out the need to update it. An issue to keep track of it has been filed here: