Thank you, I run paraview as administrator and I should have permissions.
And You are right that saving to vtkjs is not my target. Currently My problem is how to save animation as data that can be opened by paraview as animation.
Thank you, I run paraview as administrator and I should have permissions.
And You are right that saving to vtkjs is not my target. Currently My problem is how to save animation as data that can be opened by paraview as animation.
If you only want to open your animated pipeline in ParaView then a state file is the way to go (File -> Save/Load State File
). Youâll need to use the .pvsm
format and not the .py
format since Python state files donât support animation.
Tell me if this is not what youâre looking for and I misunderstood something.
ohďźmay not be what Iâm looking for.
my original question is , I need to play animation in VR. but VR doesât support the following step:
I open source->cone && use animation view to create animation.
then click âsend to VRâ
In VR , I click start && it does not work.
but can.ex2 can be played in VR.
From the advice of Mathieu Westphal, I guess the possible way is that I save animation to time-series files like vtp.series and then I can open it and send to VR.
I also donât know it is workable or not.
Oh mb I didnât quite understand your problem, I think I get it now.
It is indeed not possible to save your animated data âdirectlyâ when the animation comes from the animation view. For that you should use an extractor. Hereâs an example
then on a new paraView session open the extracted datasets using Menu - File - Open ...
(the file group name should look someting like Cone1_..pvtp
in this case).
For more informations on extractors see 8. Saving Results â ParaView Documentation 5.10.0 documentation
Thanks a lot.
It is very useful.