I would like to set the minimum and maximum slider bar limits dynamically using C++ inside ParaView’s filter GUI. I have a ParaView build of 5.10.0 on Windows. The limits are read in from a file, so I don’t have something like a scalar data array in general.
I have tried many things and have searched, but I am still stuck. Below is a small XML sample. How can I set the min and max range to be different than 1 and 11 from inside C++?
<IntVectorProperty name="RangeMaxInfo" information_only="1">
<ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name="RangeMax"/>
<IntVectorProperty command="SetLastFrameNum"
<IntRangeDomain name="range" min="1" max="11" >
<Property name="RangeMaxInfo" function="RangeMax" />
Set LastFrameNum.
Thank you.
- Rob