How can I embed the paraview controls handle inside a dockable window.
What should i do!, what are the steps !! (known that i did download the code source of paraview and build it in my machine).
I really appreciate your helps.
How can I embed the paraview controls handle inside a dockable window.
What should i do!, what are the steps !! (known that i did download the code source of paraview and build it in my machine).
I really appreciate your helps.
Please be more precise, what are you trying to achieve ? Which language are you using ? Add screenshots, design documents and such.
I’m using c# language, I want to host the paraview tool inside my application in a dockable window, how can I get access to paraview main window and handle it inside my application, i want to integrate the paraview in my application (the final results as shown in the screen)
this is the dockable window where i want to host the paraview
thak you again for you support and help
Looks like the same question as this: integrate paraview exe in a dockable window using api in c# - #5 by may_soun
no need for duplicated question. As I said before, you can use C++ to create a custom app, other than that, I dont know what can be done directly with C#.