I’ve been back and forth over this for an embarrasing amount of time, but I just can’t find what I’m doing wrong. I’m writing a configuration file for our HPC systems, and I’m unable to get it to work when trying to Enumerate the list of servers. It works correctly when I use a String, but when I try to use an Enumeration, the variable is never set. Am I missing something simple?
This works:
11 <Option name="PV_MACHINE_NAME" label="Machine" save="true">
12 <String default="lemhi1" />
13 </Option>
This fails:
11 <Option name="PV_MACHINE_NAME" label="Machine" save="true">
12 <Enumeration>
13 <Entry name="lemhi1" label="Lemhi" />
14 <Entry name="sawtooth1" label="Sawtooth" />
15 </Enumeration>
16 </Option>
I’m following the instructions here: 7. Remote and parallel visualization — ParaView Documentation 5.11.0 documentation