I have installed paraview version 5.7.0 on my WSL1 Ubuntu 20.04.2, but when I try to run the program by typing paraview, I get the following error message:
qt.qpa.xcb: X server does not support XInput 2
failed to get the current screen resources
( 0.971s) [paraview ]vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.:296 ERR| vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x7fffce7360c0): Could not find a decent config
( 0.976s) [paraview ]vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.:516 ERR| vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x7fffce7360c0): Could not find a decent visual
Loguru caught a signal: SIGABRT
Stack trace:
32 0x7fe1e958fdae paraview(+0x8dae) [0x7fe1e958fdae]
31 0x7fe1e93770b3 __libc_start_main + 243
30 0x7fe1e958fb5f paraview(+0x8b5f) [0x7fe1e958fb5f]
29 0x7fe1e9594d8a paraview(+0xdd8a) [0x7fe1e9594d8a]
28 0x7fe1e9590bfc paraview(+0x9bfc) [0x7fe1e9590bfc]
27 0x7fe1e91f8e70 pqParaViewBehaviors::pqParaViewBehaviors(QMainWindow*, QObject*) + 2480
26 0x7fe1e9173242 pqAlwaysConnectedBehavior::pqAlwaysConnectedBehavior(QObject*) + 258
25 0x7fe1e9173114 pqAlwaysConnectedBehavior::serverCheck() + 180
24 0x7fe1e79523fa pqObjectBuilder::createServer(pqServerResource const&, int) + 474
23 0x7fe1e7671c43 vtkSMSession::ConnectToSelf(int) + 131
22 0x7fe1e752198d vtkProcessModule::RegisterSession(vtkSession*) + 141
21 0x7fe1e4e2f4b2 /usr/bin/…/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkCommonCore-pv5.7.so.1(+0x37f4b2) [0x7fe1e4e2f4b2]
20 0x7fe1e4d0dd3d vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*) + 29
19 0x7fe1e77c2058 /usr/bin/…/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkGUISupportQt-pv5.7.so.1(+0x42058) [0x7fe1e77c2058]
18 0x7fe1e77ad8c1 /usr/bin/…/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libvtkGUISupportQt-pv5.7.so.1(+0x2d8c1) [0x7fe1e77ad8c1]
17 0x7fe1e8182300 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 2000
16 0x7fe1e78ef3e7 /usr/bin/…/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpqCore-pv5.7.so.1(+0x7f3e7) [0x7fe1e78ef3e7]
15 0x7fe1e78ea2d6 pqServerManagerObserver::connectionCreated(long long) + 70
14 0x7fe1e8182300 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 2000
13 0x7fe1e79a1626 pqServerManagerModel::onConnectionCreated(long long) + 774
12 0x7fe1e78e8cf6 pqServerManagerModel::serverAdded(pqServer*) + 70
11 0x7fe1e8182300 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 2000
10 0x7fe1e91c1476 pqDefaultViewBehavior::onServerCreation(pqServer*) + 86
9 0x7fe1e57faf05 vtkPVSessionCore::GatherInformation(unsigned int, vtkPVInformation*, unsigned int) + 53
8 0x7fe1e57fad2a vtkPVSessionCore::GatherInformationInternal(vtkPVInformation*, unsigned int) + 58
7 0x7fe1e5710cfd vtkPVRenderingCapabilitiesInformation::CopyFromObject(vtkObject*) + 13
6 0x7fe1e5710cbe vtkPVRenderingCapabilitiesInformation::GetLocalCapabilities() + 430
5 0x7fe1e39715e5 vtkOpenGLRenderWindow::SupportsOpenGL() + 949
4 0x7fe1e3a05f97 vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::WindowInitialize() + 23
3 0x7fe1e3a09903 vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::CreateAWindow() + 2515
2 0x7fe1e9375859 abort + 299
1 0x7fe1e939618b gsignal + 203
0 0x7fe1e9396210 /usr/bin/…/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x46210) [0x7fe1e9396210]
( 0.980s) [paraview ] :0 FATL| Signal: SIGABRT
Aborted (core dumped)
I have installed Ubuntu on my windows 10 laptop computer (Graphic card: NVIDIA GeForce MX130 and Intel(R) UHD Graphics) and I also have Xming installed. What is causing the problem and how to fix it?