Error opening VTM file


I am having issues opening a .vtm file. I get the error “Cannot read cell offsets from Cells in piece 0 because the “offsets” array is not long enough.” I am not sure why this is happening.

Please could someone assist?

Many thanks

Please share your data

Thank you. Please let me know if you have any issues.

Works fine with ParaView 5.12.0 binary release

Thanks for this, I uninstalled and updated and it seemed to work. I have another issue which is that I have internal surfaces for some reason. This is ok for plotting sections but causes streamtracers to stop. is there a was of fixing this? See image

Use Tetrahedralize and CleanToGrid filters

I have tried this but the issues remain. Are there any particular settings I should use? Thanks

transfer expired, please share the file again.