error reading pvti in paraview

Hi there,
I’m trying to generate vtk image data in parallel (pvti) to read from series of vti files written by vtk.vtkXMLImageDataWriter() from 2d numpy arrays but getting below error related to extent:

ERROR: In vtkXMLPStructuredDataReader.cxx, line 429
vtkXMLPImageDataReader (0x9b7b0e0): No available piece provides data for the following extents:
    0 511  0 511  0 10710
The UpdateExtent cannot be filled.

Tried the code with random generated numpy array to simplify but still giving same error:

ERROR: In vtkXMLPStructuredDataReader.cxx, line 429
vtkXMLPImageDataReader (0x13ba61e0): No available piece provides data for the following extents:
    0 99  0 99  0 49
The UpdateExtent cannot be filled.

Not sure where I’m missing anything!
The code:

import vtk
import numpy as np

def numpy_to_vtk_image_data(numpy_array):
    # Create a vtkImageData object
    image_data = vtk.vtkImageData()
    # Set the dimensions of the image data
    height, width = numpy_array.shape
    image_data.SetDimensions(width, height, 1)
    # Allocate scalars for the image data
    image_data.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_FLOAT, 1)
    # Get a pointer to the image data's scalar values
    scalars = image_data.GetPointData().GetScalars()
    # Flatten the numpy array and set the scalar values
    flat_numpy_array = numpy_array.flatten()
    for i in range(len(flat_numpy_array)):
        scalars.SetTuple1(i, flat_numpy_array[i])
    return image_data

def save_vtk_image_data(image_data, filename):
    # Create a vtkXMLImageDataWriter object
    writer = vtk.vtkXMLImageDataWriter()
    # Set the input data for the writer
    # Set the filename for the output file
    # Write the data to the file

def create_pvti_file(vti_filenames, pvti_filename, width, height):
    with open(pvti_filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
        f.write('<VTKFile type="PImageData" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">\n')
        f.write('  <PImageData WholeExtent="0 {} 0 {} 0 {}" GhostLevel="0" Origin="0 0 0" Spacing="1 1 1">\n'.format(
            width-1, height-1, len(vti_filenames)-1))
        f.write('    <PPointData Scalars="scalars">\n')
        f.write('      <PDataArray type="Float32" Name="scalars" format="appended" />\n')
        f.write('    </PPointData>\n')
        f.write('    <PCellData>\n')
        f.write('    </PCellData>\n')
        for i, vti_filename in enumerate(vti_filenames):
            f.write('    <Piece Extent="0 {} 0 {} {} {}" Source="{}"/>\n'.format(
                width-1, height-1, i, i, vti_filename))
        f.write('  </PImageData>\n')

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a series of 2D numpy arrays
    series_of_2d_arrays = [np.random.rand(100, 100) for _ in range(50)]
    # Save each 2D numpy array to a VTI file
    vti_filenames = []
    for i, array in enumerate(series_of_2d_arrays):
        vtk_image_data = numpy_to_vtk_image_data(array)
        vti_filename = f"slice_{i}.vti"
        save_vtk_image_data(vtk_image_data, vti_filename)
    # Create a PVTi file that references all the VTI files
    create_pvti_file(vti_filenames, "output.pvti", series_of_2d_arrays[0].shape[1], series_of_2d_arrays[0].shape[0])

sample generated vti:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="ImageData" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian" header_type="UInt32" compressor="vtkZLibDataCompressor">
  <ImageData WholeExtent="0 99 0 99 0 0" Origin="0 0 0" Spacing="1 1 1" Direction="1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1">
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 0 0"                                                     >
      <PointData Scalars="ImageScalars">
        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="ImageScalars" format="appended" RangeMin="8.6207102868e-05"     RangeMax="0.99993038177"        offset="0"                   />
  <AppendedData encoding="base64">

and the pvti:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="PImageData" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">
  <PImageData WholeExtent="0 99 0 99 0 49" GhostLevel="0" Origin="0 0 0" Spacing="1 1 1">
    <PPointData Scalars="scalars">
      <PDataArray type="Float32" Name="scalars" format="appended" />
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 0 0" Source="slice_0.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 1 1" Source="slice_1.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 2 2" Source="slice_2.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 3 3" Source="slice_3.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 4 4" Source="slice_4.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 5 5" Source="slice_5.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 6 6" Source="slice_6.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 7 7" Source="slice_7.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 8 8" Source="slice_8.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 9 9" Source="slice_9.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 10 10" Source="slice_10.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 11 11" Source="slice_11.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 12 12" Source="slice_12.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 13 13" Source="slice_13.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 14 14" Source="slice_14.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 15 15" Source="slice_15.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 16 16" Source="slice_16.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 17 17" Source="slice_17.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 18 18" Source="slice_18.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 19 19" Source="slice_19.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 20 20" Source="slice_20.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 21 21" Source="slice_21.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 22 22" Source="slice_22.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 23 23" Source="slice_23.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 24 24" Source="slice_24.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 25 25" Source="slice_25.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 26 26" Source="slice_26.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 27 27" Source="slice_27.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 28 28" Source="slice_28.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 29 29" Source="slice_29.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 30 30" Source="slice_30.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 31 31" Source="slice_31.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 32 32" Source="slice_32.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 33 33" Source="slice_33.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 34 34" Source="slice_34.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 35 35" Source="slice_35.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 36 36" Source="slice_36.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 37 37" Source="slice_37.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 38 38" Source="slice_38.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 39 39" Source="slice_39.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 40 40" Source="slice_40.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 41 41" Source="slice_41.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 42 42" Source="slice_42.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 43 43" Source="slice_43.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 44 44" Source="slice_44.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 45 45" Source="slice_45.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 46 46" Source="slice_46.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 47 47" Source="slice_47.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 48 48" Source="slice_48.vti"/>
    <Piece Extent="0 99 0 99 49 49" Source="slice_49.vti"/>

Any clue what’s wrong?