Error: Visit Exception caught?

I seem to get the following error when I try to load in some of the data I am trying to view. The error doesn’t appear with some of the other data only for certain cases.

Visit Exception caught
ERROR: In /swbuild/jcbecker/paraview-build/superbuild/paraview/src/Utilities/VisItBridge/databases/AvtAlgorithms/vtkAvtSTMDFileFormatAlgorithm.cxx, line 556
vtkVisItTecplotBinaryReader (0x626a950): VisIt Exception caught.

Is there anyway to fix this error?

please share your data

Hi Mathieu,
Sure! how should I share my data, .plt format? Currently, I am working on 5 datasets and 3 out of the 5 are allowing me to open the data with no problem. It is not until I open the other 2 sets of data that I get the following error.

Here or if too big, on any file sharing website.