error when saving animation in avi

I know there is already some issues in saving animation with ffmpeg bug i did not see the same error message I have.

I installed paraview@master with spack adding the flag -DPARAVIEW_ENABLE_FFMPEG in my build of paraview.
The installation is based on ffmpeg 6.0 (i tried with 6.1 but there is no changes), and build without error.

However when I want to save some animation in AVI fomat I get this error:

(  29.524s) [paraview        ]vtkSMSaveAnimationProxy:396   WARN| vtkSMSaveAnimationProxy (0x5561b9846da0): The requested resolution '(844, 251)' has been changed to '(844, 248)' to match format specification.
(  29.571s) [paraview        ]vtkSMPropertyHelper.cxx:570   WARN| Failed to locate property: FileName
(  29.572s) [paraview        ]vtkSMPropertyHelper.cxx:367   WARN| Call not supported for the current property type.
(  29.599s) [paraview        ]    vtkFFMPEGWriter.cxx:691    ERR| vtkFFMPEGWriter (0x5561b988b450): Please specify a filename.

I can save in others formats (tried ogv and png) but not in AVI.

My colleague tried with a full manual installation of paraview with the same flag and have the same error.

Do we have forgot something in the build ? Is it a paraview bug ?


Looks like it to me. Does this patch help?

yeah it works ! thanks =)


I have the same problem however I have no idea how to apply this patch.
Some help would be appreciated.

Kind regards,


The patch is merged now, so this should work without any action if your installation has been done recently (1 month ago) :o


OK. Thx!