Example for creating custom views in ParaView

Hi Community!
Anyone knows if there are any examples or documentation that demonstrates the creation of a custom view in ParaView? For instance, creation of a webview.

Hi @sherin.sugathan

You may look at the zSpace plugin which creates its own render view: https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/-/tree/master/Plugins/ZSpace/zSpace?ref_type=heads

Hope this helps!

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@Francois_Mazen Thanks for pointing to the zSpace example! I have a working implementation of a ParaView toolbar plugin.
Can you tell if I should write the custom view feature as a separate plugin (in a separate folder with its own paraview.plugin file) or I can just append the custom view feature to the toolbar plugin? Both the features are part of the same project and I dont want a user to load multiple plugins (toolbar and view).

Yes, you can add several features in one plugin. This is just a matter of configuration and pointing the correct XML files in the CMake configuration. Feel free to contact Kitware if you need assistance: https://www.kitware.com/contact/

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