Export data from paraview in grid points

Hello everyone, I want to export data from paraview (eg Temperature, T) in the form of grid points. I am attaching a sample data herewith. First three lines following %Grid are the grid points, first line is x points (0 to 0.008),second line y points (-0.01 to 0.008), third line z points (0 to 0.022).
The lines following %Data are the values at those grid points… it is in the form of matrices… 6 columns corresponding to 6 x grid points. 10 rows corresponds to 10 y grid points… like that, 12 matrices concatenated which corresponds to 12 z planes. Actually comsol export directly the data like this… I guess it should be possible with paraview also, may be python program? Can any one please help me to do this? Thank you.
U_vy_test.txt (4.7 KB)

File → SaveData → select .csv extension