Exporting Streamline Representation Animation

Hi All,

I’ve managed to get the streamline representation working and it looks pretty great. However, there seems to be some disparity between the streamline representation and the actual streamlines themselves.

Also could anyone weigh in on the following video?
was it just purely captured with a screencapture device or is there a better way to export this??


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StreamTracer and StreamlineRepresentation are two different algorithms, resulting to different results.

To export the StreamlineRepresentation output, one must use a screencapture software indeed.

Will there be a way to export StreamlineRepresentation output in the future?

I’ve obtain the StreamlineRepresentaion output in Paraview 5.9.

  1. Open View > “Animation View”.
  2. Turn off “TimeKeeper1 - Time”
  3. Mode > Real Time
  4. Big Duration 10000
  5. File > Save Animation > png export
  6. Using ffmpeg like:

ffmpeg -r 30 -i stream%04d.png -c:v mpeg4 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p stream.mp4

My step could have needless step.

Best regards,


That’s ingenious !

Hi your results are very cool, I have a question,
how did you do to load the picture of the city in the backgroud,
I’m looking for something similar. Can you help me?
I´m new ParaView user.


  1. Satellite image:
    I’m using QGIS 3 to export Google Satellite image to geoTIFF file. The link (How to Save Google Map Satellite Imagery in QGIS) would be helpful. The exported image could be rotated or reverted for texture map.

  2. 3D city model(vtk file format):
    GIS files regarding to Terrain height and building height are needed. And the GIS files need to be converted to one vtk format. “Embossing representations” plugin of paraview could make 2D data to 3D object.
    A new Embossing Representations Plugin for ParaView - Kitware Blog
    And exporting the 3D city model to one vtk file is helpful.

  3. Paraview
    Then I used the filter “Texture map to plane” in Paraview. It will map the 2D satellite image onto 3D city model. Also the ray tracing algorithm for building shades would improve quality of building rendering.


Thank you for your answer is very interesting I’ll, try it; other alternative I found this weekend is exporting the CFD’s results in x3d format and then using blender to combine the results with CAD files given a lot of possibilities. Thank you again for you reply.


For reference, it has been impossible to export StreamlineRepresentation and volume rendered output to x3d file. I’m also using Blender to make final vtk as background in Paraview. But I think Blender has many limitations for rendering CFD results (e.g. volume, moving streamline).

This does not appear to work anymore in 5.10.0. The streamlines are there, but not animated. I tried both Real Time and Sequence.

Works perfectly here.

To be more explicit:

When I attempt to Save Animation of the animated StreamLineRepresentation as described by @Gwang-Jin_Lee, I only get a static image in 5.10.0. I get animations in 5.9.0, though they’re not smooth.

I’m running on a Windows client, which may be relevant.

Provide steps to reproduce. It is working great here (on linux)

I get animations in 5.9.0, though they’re not smooth.

Increase the FPS.

I increased the sequence length from 1e4 to 1e5. I guess that did it.

I succeeded in exporting animated streamline in Paraview 5.11 of windows version. But I worry that real time mode will be depreciated in near future.