I have a set of simulations for a pump, which i do for a range of impeller speeds. I simulated 10 cases of the same pump and mesh for different impeller speeds. I picked one RPM case, extracted my domain of interest as a slice. Now i want to use this slice, to extract values from different rpm cases.
My approach was to use the probe filter, but it seems to be giving me wrong values
Original data for pressure : range (2e5 - 8e5)
extracted data for pressure : range (0 - 8e5)
so there seems to be a lot of zero values coming in.
How can i solve this? are there any different approaches to do it.
My slice file is in a .vtk , .vtp format (both dont work)
and my case files are in a ensight gold format, where is use the following function
def read_ensight_data(encas_file):
reader = vtk.vtkGenericEnSightReader()
print(“Recieved a folder to open”)
return pv.MultiBlock(data).combine()
def probe_data_at_slice(ensight_data, slice_plane):
probe = vtk.vtkProbeFilter()
probe.SetSourceData(ensight_data) # Set EnSight data as the source
probe.SetInputData(slice_plane) # Set slice plane as the input
probe.Update() # Run the probe filter
return probe.GetOutput()
kindly help