Fail to load files in a group

I am trying to load a temporal series of files as a group. While these files appear grouped in the Open File dialog (the first image below), after clicking OK to load them, they are displayed separately in the Pipeline Browser (the second image below).

I have been using ParaView for many years, and this functionality has always worked fine. I am not sure why it is suddenly behaving unexpectedly.

I have no idea why it would not work anymore, however ParaView 5.11.2 is old, you may want to update to 5.13.0

Thanks for your reply, but upgrading to 5.13.0 does not work.

Which OS are you using ?

Try moving your settings file or use --dry-run instead

I am using macOS.

I tried to start paraview using the command on Terminal: /Applications/ --dry-run, but paraview still does not group the files.

In the directory ~/Library/Preferences/, I also removed the file containing “paraview”, and the problem still exists.

I’m afraid I have no further ideas, but I’m not macOS expert. Maybe @cory.quammen has an idea.

Hi Mingwang, If you can give us 2 files, I will take a look. I’m on a Mac.

Hi Alan,

Attached are the 2 files I am using.

Your response made me realize that the problem might be caused by the *.vtk files themselves rather than ParaView. I tried loading files from another directory, and those files were grouped successfully!

It is strange that the attached vtk files cannot be grouped in Paraview since I used the the same format when writing them.


grain_step0.vtk (216.2 KB)
grain_step10000.vtk (216.2 KB)

Hi Mingwang,
The issue is with your file names I believe. When I renamed grain_step10000.vtk to grain_step1.vtk, it loaded as a time series of two timesteps. I believe the numbers need to be consecutive, i.e., 1,2,3,4, etc.