I am trying to use vtkImageOpenClose3D in a ParaView plugin, I have added VTK::ImagingMorphological in vtk.module under DEPENDS, but I get the cmake error
[cmake] Failed to find the required module VTK::ImagingMorphological.
I can see the module in the paraView 5.11.2 source tree in VTK/Imaging/Morphological. I usually do this this way, what am I doing wrong in this case?
This VTK module is not enabled in ParaView build because nothing in ParaView depends on it.
If you build ParaView yourself, you can enable it using the cmake var: VTK_MODULE_ENABLE_VTK_ImagingMorphological.
it’s funny though, I checked my CMakeCache.txt and it said VTK_MODULE_ENABLE_VTK_ImagingMorphological:STRING=DEFAULT as do all the other modules I use, how do I find out what DEFAULT means?
DEFAULT is, for VTK modules in a ParaView build, DONT_WANT. For ParaView client and “core” (non-incubator) modules, PARAVIEW_BUILD_ALL_MODULES=ON will treat DEFAULT as WANT. Note that any non-DEFAULT group settings that modules belong to apply before (ultimately) falling back on PARAVIEW_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.