Find Data improvement

What do people think about adding in an option to pick every nth point or cell with Find Data? We have this option with the Glyph filter to reduce the number of items that are used for glyphing. Having a similar ability for Find Data would be nice to cull data, at least point cloud data, and have a nice distribution of the objects.

Thanks for starting this thread :slight_smile:. Wait for ParaView developers to answer your question. I just wanted to share my opinions and wishlist in this thread.

In my opinion, adding the ability to pick every nth point does not align with the purpose of Find Data feature. Currently, any query made in “Find Data” feature traverses and evaluates all data points to find those that match a specified condition or criteria. Your idea of selecting every nth point seems more like a sampling issue, which is why I don’t think it fits well inside the feature. If you want to modify the distribution or sample point data differently, I would recommend using scripting or existing filters like Mask Points, where you can specify the distribution type and the number of points.

Since you have started this thread, I see this as an opportunity to add my wishlist as well. :slight_smile: The conditions we specify in Find Data are currently stitched together with AND logic. Even though we can mention multiple conditions to find data, it is assumed that we want to combine the conditions using AND logic. I wish that, in the future, there is a way to also specify the logic operator such as OR.

Thinking a bit more about this I was imagining the use with global ids or unique ids for a modulo operator. Find Data doesn’t require any specific data type so a modulo operator for floating point data doesn’t really make sense.