I have run a transient Ansys Fluent simulation involving a Discrete Phase Model - particles injected into the system. This case was set up in Ansys Fluent and (under the heading of calculation activities) have exported both Solution Data Export and Particle History Data Export in Ensight Case Gold and Ensight format respectively. This case was run on a HPC.
The simulation then as a result produces two .encas files namely a result.encase and a result.new.encase file along with case and data files,.mscl, .mpg, .scl, .vel and a .geo file.
When I read either .encase file into paraview, an initial error appeared where it could not read the file. I researched and found that this is due to the “” around the strings in the .encas model and then also deleting the last two lines in the .encase file. I’m at the stage where the .encas file will load into paraview but the .new.encase won’t load into paraview and leaves the following errors:
ERROR: In vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader.cxx, line 1274
vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (000001962FA44890): This is not a binary data set. Try vtkEnSightGoldReader.
ERROR: In vtkEnSightReader.cxx, line 374
vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (000001962FA44890): error reading measured geometry file
ERROR: In vtkExecutive.cxx, line 730
vtkCompositeDataPipeline (000001962DB55050): Algorithm vtkEnSightGoldBinaryReader (000001962FA44890) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (000001962ED9EE80)
Debug: Off
Modified Time: 110211729
Reference Count: 1
Registered Events: (none)
I have used the Ensight Case Reader.
Any help, advice or feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have scoured the internet trying to find a solution.
I can open the .encas file on my version of Paraview 5.13.1. However, it is the file called “.new.paraview” that is not able to be opened. It is this file that contains my particle data.
I had set up the file export with the name and it automatically appends the time step to the name for each file; it might have been that the file was in a different directory when you downloaded the data.
I exported that particle data as a ‘Particle History Data Export’ which is available under the Calculation Activities. I selected EnSight as the file type. There was no option available before the export in this setting to change it to a binary format. The other fluid data, exported under the same medium of Calculation Activities in Fluent but under Solution Data Export allowed the selection of EnSight Case Gold format and subsequently then binary format. The latter opens without an issue on Paraview, whilst the first produces the binary error I described and as you saw. Is it possible to convert the file format after producing the file as I have not figured out how to impose a binary file format on the Particle History Data Export.