GLEW could not be intialized missing GL version in ParaView-5.7.0-RC4-Windows-Python3.7-msvc2015-64bit

Hi, I can not run ParaView on Windows 10 x64, I’m using the lastest installer "ParaView-5.7.0-RC4-Windows-Python3.7-msvc2015-64bit " and I get the error:

GLEW could not be intialized missing GL version

Looks like you have a GPU driver issue. You may want to install/update your drivers.

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If you could just precise exactly what you did to fix the issue that would be great.

I Mathieu I was not able to solve the problem but I know the details now. I am opening a new post where I explain the details of the problem please take a look at it because I think it could be solved. Ths issue is called:

“OpenGl incompatibility on Intel HD3000 video chips on Windows 10”

Ok, please tag me on the post once you have opened it.

Is this related ?

Hi Mathieu please read my post: