I have seen in other discussion pages that they can do it extracting the block or selecting the surfaces of the airfoil. However, in my VTK file I do not have those. I only have the fluid domain around the airfoil. Does anyone know how to extract the pressure distribution around an airfoil with the domain file I am attaching below?
Thank you Mathieu. However, the software I am using to perform the simulation (called PALABOS) only generates .vtm files in this example. Is there something that I could do with the .vtm files?
Thank you! I followed your steps and I got the same! However, what I was actually looking for was: how could I extract those pressure values to generate a 2D Cp vs X/c distribution?. Is there any option inside Paraview to get those values (as well as their position in x)?
Hi @Victor - regarding the 2D Cp vs X/c distribution once you have your pressure applied to the geometry, did you try the “Plot On Intersection Curves”? (Filters -> Alphabetical -> Plot On Intersection Curves)
Judging from the screenshot above, you could set the plane to Z Normal and select your z-slice locations. I think by default, it will try to plot everything so you can untick all the series you don’t want. You’ll also need to set the x-axis X Array Name to Points_X.