How to access time-dependent data via pvpython

I have been using

# create a new 'Resample To Image'
resampleToImage1 = ResampleToImage(registrationName='ResampleToImage1', Input=inputState)
resampleToImage1.SamplingBounds = [-0.5, 0.5, -2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]
resampleToImage1.SamplingDimensions = [100, 100, 1]
# create a new 'Image Data to Point Set'
imageDatatoPointSet1 = ImageDatatoPointSet(registrationName='ImageDatatoPointSet1', Input=resampleToImage1)
imageDatatoPointSet1 = ImageDatatoPointSet(registrationName='ImageDatatoPointSet1', Input=resampleToImage1)

# get data into python array
vtk_data = dsa.WrapDataObject(sm.Fetch(...))
wData = vtk_data.PointData['w']					

to sample the field w at discrete points of a mesh surface and have the data as a 2d numpy array in python for the currently selected time point.

My naive question is this: Since my data varies in time, I would like to access the time-varying data, e.g. as a 3d numpy array. Is there a simple way to do it? I am hopeful, b/c the SaveAnimation() function has an option FrameWindow that sets the start and end frame of the export.