How to Append Node-Based Pore Water Pressure (PWP) Data to a VTU File in ParaView

Hello everyone,

I’m working with a 3D mesh model in ParaView that was generated using OpenSees, and I have the mesh data saved in a .vtu file. Additionally, I have pore water pressure (PWP) data for all the nodes, which is stored in a separate text file. The text file contains two columns: one for Node ID and the other for the corresponding PWP values.

I would like to append the PWP data from the text file to the VTU mesh in ParaView, so I can visualize the PWP distribution across the model. However, I’m having difficulty mapping the PWP data to the correct nodes in the VTU file. I tried using the Append Attributes filter, but it seems like the data is not merging correctly.

My setup:

  • The .vtu file has the 3D mesh, and I can visualize it without issues.
  • The text file has the following format:
NodeID   PWP
1        100.0
2        105.5
3        110.0

What I’ve tried:

  • I imported the text file as a table in ParaView and converted it to point data using the Table to Points filter.
  • I tried using the Append Attributes filter to merge the PWP data with the VTU file but was not able to get the data mapped correctly.
  • I checked that the Node IDs in the text file match those in the VTU file.


  1. How can I properly append the PWP data to the VTU file based on Node ID?
  2. Is there a recommended workflow or filter that I might be missing to achieve this?

Any guidance or step-by-step instructions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

I’m still looking for a way to solve this issue. any help would greatly appreciated!

It really helps to post data so that we can get a better idea of what is going on.

If I had to guess what is wrong, it might be that the rows in the text file do not match exactly the points in the .vtu file. The Append Attributes filter is going to ignore the NodeID field that comes from your text. You’ll have to sort the rows by NodeID and make sure all ids from 0 to N-1 are there. You will have to fill in any missing rows.