How to automate the creation of multiple vtkSMProxy

For example, I want to create 100 spheres with different center locations. What is the best way to do this in c++.


 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
   pqObjectBuilder::createSource("sources", "Sphere");

How do I assign different properties for each pqPipelineSource? For instance, I want to create 100 spheres, each of them having a different center.

Color is not a property of the source, but of the representation. You first have to create this representation then change the color on it.

It’s the center location not the color.

 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
   pqPipelineSource* source = pqObjectBuilder::createSource("sources", "Sphere");
   // How to get the properties (i.e., Center, Radius, etc.) from source and change them?

use pqSMAdaptor :

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Thank you. Another question is how do get the vtkObject from pqPipelineSource?

 for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
   pqPipelineSource* source = pqObjectBuilder::createSource("sources", "Sphere");
   // we already know that source has a underlying object as vtkSphereSource. 
   // How do we get vtkSphereSource from source? 

Seems not possible because there is no direct access to vtkObject from client side. But getting the property should be enough for me.
vtkSMDoubleVectorProperty* points = vtkSMDoubleVectorProperty::SafeDownCast(source->getProxy()->GetProperty("Points"));

It is, using GetClientSideObject(), but this is a builtin only method that you want to avoid using anyway.

Indeed, using SMProp to recover the value of an XML property is the way to go.