how to color unstructured grid (.vtu) ?

My whole source code is present here including block.vtu file for testing purpose. I will discuss important functions here.

This code can color *.vtp, *.vtk. But same code fails to color *.vtu.

I have list of vtkactors. And I specify which actor to set properties from.

  1. This code which gets all column names from an actor:
public static List<string> getColumns(int actorIndex)
    List<string> colums = new List<string>();
    vtkActor actor = actors[actorIndex];
    var output = actor.GetMapper().GetInputAsDataSet();
    var cell = output.GetCellData();
    for (int i = 0; i < cell.GetNumberOfArrays(); i++)
        var colm = cell.GetArrayName(i);
        if (colm != null) colums.Add(colm);
    return colums; //['CU_OK','D1','Domain','IJK','IX','IY'...]
  1. This code colors the model of specific column:
public static void setColors(int actorIndex, string column)
    List<string> colums = new List<string>();
    vtkActor actor = actors[actorIndex];
    var output = actor.GetMapper().GetInputAsDataSet();
    var colors = vtkUnsignedCharArray.New();

    var cell = output.GetCellData();
    for (int i = 0; i < cell.GetNumberOfArrays(); i++)
        var cells = cell.GetArray(i);
        if (cells == null) continue;
        if (column != cell.GetArrayName(i)) continue;
        for (int j = 0; j < cells.GetNumberOfTuples(); j++)
            var c = color_range((cells.GetComponent(i, j) / cell.GetArray(i).GetRange()[1]) * 100);
            var R = c.R;
            var G = c.G;
            var B = c.B;
            colors.InsertNextTuple3((double)R, (double)G, (double)B);
            colors.InsertNextTuple3((double)R, (double)G, (double)B);  //even tried with and without inserting second tuple

    output.GetPointData().SetScalars(colors); //even tried with GetCellData(), but no luck
  1. This code gets range(min,max) of values from specific column:
public static double[] getRange(int actorIndex, string column)
    List<string> colums = new List<string>();
    vtkActor actor = actors[actorIndex];
    var output = actor.GetMapper().GetInputAsDataSet();
    var cell = output.GetCellData();
    for (int i = 0; i < cell.GetNumberOfArrays(); i++)
        var colm = cell.GetArrayName(i);
        var arr = cell.GetArray(i);
        if (column == colm)
            if (arr == null) return null;
            return arr.GetRange(); // new double[] { min, max }
    return null;


The result is fine. This is how drillholes are shown in by my code. colored drillhole


See how its colored. This is what PARAVIEW software can show: Paraview Block Model


This is how my code show that model: My Block Model

I also tried:

I tried following question, but vtu color has no effect. I tried cell data too instead of point data. I also tried lookup table, it do shows with color scalebar but has no effect on model color.

The strange things are that:

  • all vtp files work (to color)and all vtu files fails

  • vtu file show colorful fine on paraview, but not in my code


I am not sure if this is a proper solution, but it might work if you create a new mapper at the end of the setColors function.


+           vtkDataSetMapper mapper = vtkDataSetMapper.New();
+           mapper.SetInput(output);
+           actor.SetMapper(mapper);

It may also be possible to draw the array directly instead of creating an RGB array. (The following was also added at the end of the setColors function.)


+           var mapper = actor.GetMapper();
+           mapper.SelectColorArray(column);
+           mapper.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData();
+           var range1 = getRange(actorIndex, column);
+           mapper.SetScalarRange(range1[0], range1[1]);

I think your question will be better answered in the vtk forum ( than in the ParaView forum.

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Wow. I been asking same question on sereval forums, even on discourse vtk. Its been 2-3 month. But only you got real solution.
Didn’t expected, solution would that simple.

Your first code works. Here’s output I got:

However, I’m seeing an warning in vtk unmanaged libraries:

Warning: In ..\..\..\..\vtksource-prefix\src\vtksource\Filtering\vtkDataSet.cxx, line 413
vtkUnstructuredGrid (0F089B08): Point array Colors with 3 components, has 257902 tuples but there are only 256756 points

So from last line, I think problem is, my color array has 257902 values whereas total points inside model was 256756.

I investigated and noted several meaningful integers:

output.GetMaximumNumberOfPieces();      // 1
output.GetNumberOfCells();              // 231659
output.GetNumberOfPoints();             // 256756 IMPORTANT

cell.GetNumberOfArrays();               // 10
cell.GetNumberOfTuples();               // 231659
cell.GetNumberOfComponents();           // 10

cells.GetNumberOfComponents();          // 1
cells.GetNumberOfTuples();              // 231659
cells.GetNumberOfComponentsMaxValue();  // 2147483647
cells.GetNumberOfComponentsMinValue();  // 0

So I replaced this code:

colors.InsertNextTuple3((double)R, (double)G, (double)B);
colors.InsertNextTuple3((double)R, (double)G, (double)B);


if (colors.GetNumberOfTuples() >= output.GetNumberOfPoints())
else colors.InsertNextTuple3((double)R, (double)G, (double)B);
if (colors.GetNumberOfTuples() >= output.GetNumberOfPoints())
else colors.InsertNextTuple3((double)R, (double)G, (double)B);

It do colors as well and also warning doesn’t appears.
But another error appears. I can’t able to copy whole error, as it remain freezed.

I believe there’s tiny mistake I may be doing.

For second code, unfortunately has no effect.

So I catch that error using

vtkRenderWindow renderWindow = renderWindowControl1.RenderWindow;
renderWindow.ErrorEvt += vtk_error;

void vtk_error(vtkObject sender, vtkObjectEventArgs e)
    string s = "unknown";
    if (e.CallData != IntPtr.Zero)
        s = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(e.CallData);

    Console.Write(string.Format("Error: sender='{0}' e='{1}' s='{2}'", sender, e, s));

Here’s full error log:

Error: sender='vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (0C63D900)
  Debug: Off
  Modified Time: 6522
  Reference Count: 2
  Registered Events:
    Registered Observers:
      vtkObserver (0C6516F0)
        Event: 40
        EventName: WarningEvent
        Command: 0C651A50
        Priority: 0
        Tag: 2
      vtkObserver (0C63BE50)
        Event: 39
        EventName: ErrorEvent
        Command: 0C642FF8
        Priority: 0
        Tag: 1
  Erase: On
  Window Name: Visualization Toolkit - Win32OpenGL #1
  Position: (0, 0)
  Size: (595, 421)
  Mapped: 1
  OffScreenRendering: 0
  Double Buffered: 1
  DPI: 96
  TileScale: (1, 1)
  TileViewport: (0, 0, 1, 1)
  Borders: On
  IsPicking: Off
  Double Buffer: On
  Full Screen: Off
    Debug: Off
    Modified Time: 1002
    Reference Count: 1
    Registered Events: (none)
    Number Of Items: 1
  Stereo Capable Window Requested: No
  Stereo Render: Off
  Point Smoothing: Off
  Line Smoothing: Off
  Polygon Smoothing: Off
  Anti Aliased Frames: 0
  Abort Render: 0
  Current Cursor: 0
  Desired Update Rate: 0.0001
  Focal Depth Frames: 0
  In Abort Check: 0
  NeverRendered: 0
  Interactor: 0C63E368
  Motion Blur Frames: 0
  Swap Buffers: On
  Stereo Type: CrystalEyes
  Number of Layers: 1
  AccumulationBuffer Size 0
  AlphaBitPlanes: Off
  AnaglyphColorSaturation: 0.65
  AnaglyphColorMask: 4 , 3
    Debug: Off
    Modified Time: 32
    Reference Count: 1
    Registered Events: (none)
  MultiSamples: 8
  StencilCapable: False
  ReportGraphicErrors: Off
  ContextId: 00010000
  Next Window Id: 00000000
  Window Id: 000B020A

' e='Kitware.VTK.vtkObjectEventArgs' s='ERROR: In ..\..\..\..\vtksource-prefix\src\vtksource\Rendering\vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 247
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (0C63D900): wglMakeCurrent failed in MakeCurrent(), error: The requested resource is in use.


I want to accept your answer as solution. But not sure how I can do it, because there’s no solution button visible.

Also previously, I bountied on stack overflow. So go, also write your answer there as well and get bounty.

Although bounty is small worth 50 only, but at least it meant to show achievement that rarely anyone can get.

Thank you, I wrote the same answer as here on stack overflow.

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Thanks for pointing this out. It should be fixed now.