How to extrude a surface in paraview and export stl format

I have my results in vtu format and it is in 2D. how can I extrude this surface? and then export the stl file?
thank you

Use “ExtractSurface” filter, then use File → SaveData

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Hi @Maryam_Mgh !

If you want generate a 3D surface or 3D volume from a 2D shape, you may try “Linear Extrusion” filter or “Linear Cell Extrusion” in ParaView.

Hope this helps.

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Hi, Thank you so much. I did that but there is no change after extrusion.

Perhaps you need to adjust the scale factor. Or perhaps the direction vector of extrusion.

It would help if you would share your data. It’s hard to guess what your problem is without seeing anything.