How to open the odb file of abaqus using paraview

1、I downloaded that part of the code odb2vtk
2、Follow the documentation steps to set up

3、Send an error when I perform the following steps in the command window

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “F:\SIMULIA\EstProducts\2021\win_b64\code\python2.7\lib\”, line 34, in ConvertOdb2Vtk
odb_path = input[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

4、Using another function also reports an error

Basic Information:
Model: CP10_L6_DP1 ; Mesh type: Hexahedron ; Number of blocks: 2
Convert frames: 0 to 20
Step & Instance : [‘0’] , [‘0’]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “F:\SIMULIA\EstProducts\2021\win_b64\code\python2.7\lib\”, line 661, in ConvertOdb2VtkP
odb = openOdb(os.path.join(odb_path,odbname)+‘.odb’,readOnly=True)
OdbError: The database is from a previous release of Abaqus.
Run abaqus -upgrade -job -odb to upgrade it.

I fear this is a bug in the script you use, and not related to ParaView itself.

So you should better open an issue on the github repository you link.

Hello, The same question came up in my process.
Have you solved it?