how to output field data from paraview (should be easy)

I want to output my field data, the data that has one value per time step, like how many nucleations occurred or degrees of freedom. I don’t need them in the same file as other types of data, I just need this to be outputted in any way. I cannot get them to be saved to any type of simple file like .csv or .txt(anything Matlab would read). I have tried everything under the ctrl+s. The file it creates is always empty. I have no issues with outputting all my other data. The data I want outputted can be visualized in PlotGlobalVaraibles.

I am doing something wrong as I have Paraview on Linux and Windows, and neither would output anything.

When you save as a CSV file, did you see the Field Association option?

Can you change that to “Field Data”?

Sorry, I should have specified that; yes, I can see the field data selection when changing the .csv parameters. When I make that selection, the file is always empty. The field data is there when I go through the lists to select the variables I want outputted however. Is there a 2nd type of data that can be read by the PlotGlobalVaribiables option?

Would it be possible to share an example dataset? Then I could recommend some action to take after seeing what works for me.

The data set is in this google drive folder.

Here are the settings I use:

I requested access to this shared drive, it is not open.

I confirm the field data not saving to the CSV file.

This field data is associated with the root of the Partitioned Dataset Collection produced by the Exodus reader.

Is it okay for me to open an issue with your shared dataset as an example?