How to plot streamline on 2D velocity contour?

I have some simulations done with openfoam and have some wind tunnel data, where I have the vertical and streamline velocity. I would like to compare this two with a image including the velocity magnitude contour and streamlines. As I am writing a follow up thesis I would like to do this in the similar manner as my predecessor. I would like to achieve a images such as this:

I am unable so far to generate the streamline on a 2D plot so far. I think there is a python option streamslice, which should enable this. I however do not understand how I can apply this, even after quite a research… Could you give you explain to my the workflow for this?
I also would like to have the same horizontal length scales with x/H and y/H. How can I achieve this?

Sorry if this questions is to simply but I am quite stuck right now.

Many thanks already in advance.

Best Fidu13

Did you tried


Hi thanks for the quick reply. I tried but I get the following error:

ERROR: In C:\bbd\8fbebceb\build\superbuild\paraview\src\VTK\Filters\FlowPaths\vtkEvenlySpacedStreamlines2D.cxx, line 125
vtkEvenlySpacedStreamlines2D (0000017C53E8E7A0): vtkEvenlySpacedStreamlines2D does not support planes not aligned with XY.

ERROR: In C:\bbd\8fbebceb\build\superbuild\paraview\src\VTK\Common\ExecutionModel\vtkExecutive.cxx, line 753
vtkPVCompositeDataPipeline (0000017B05A8AEB0): Algorithm vtkEvenlySpacedStreamlines2D(0000017C53E8E7A0) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0000017BA0016140)
  Debug: Off
  Modified Time: 29153292
  Reference Count: 1
  Registered Events: (none)

Respective if I use it on z-plane:

ERROR: In C:\bbd\8fbebceb\build\superbuild\paraview\src\VTK\Common\ExecutionModel\vtkExecutive.cxx, line 753 vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0000017AB5754D50): Algorithm vtkPVGeometryFilter(0000017BA0098320) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0000017AE9B67870) Debug: Off Modified Time: 50048809 Reference Count: 1 Registered Events: (none) Request: REQUEST_DATA_OBJECT FORWARD_DIRECTION: 0 ALGORITHM_AFTER_FORWARD: 1 FROM_OUTPUT_PORT: 0

My workflow for is so far:
-slice vertical or horizontal plane

  • claculate with Calculator : U_XiHat + U_YjHat
  • apply EvenlySpacedStreamlines2D

Do I need to do something else?

Can you share your data (and ParaView state file you are using). The horizontal plane should work

Yea sure.
streamlines_horizontal.pvsm (575.3 KB)
I hope like this it works. Is there any way to get the streamlines for verticaly planes?

Many thanks for your help and time!

Please attach the data as well: alee_2_LAD1_non_isothermal