How to set animation speed (not the string)

Hello, I am using Paraview 5.12.0 on OSX. I know how to change the frame rate of an animation. How may I change the stride of an animation. How may I change the speed at which the animation is played? Note that the solution provided here does not work, because there is no ‘Animation view’ item in ‘View’ menu (see screenshot attached).

Use the TimeManager instead.

There is no place to speficy frames per second in time manager.

If you refer to RealTime mode, yes it was deprecated and removed in 5.12.0

You can specify the FPS when you export the animation.

Is there any other way to increase the speed at which the animation is played in real time ?

Can you be more precise in what you are trying to do ?

Open TimeManager and uncheck the Time sources box. You should find an option to set frames per second