How to set the qt path for Paraview installed via vcpkg?

My Qt application wants to incorporate ParaView installed via vcpkg, but the Qt bundled with ParaView conflicts with my own Qt. How can I set the path of the Qt bundled with ParaView to use my own Qt?Thank you very much!

Why not using Qt from vcpkg instead ?
Or build you own ParaView instead ?

Thank you for your reply. I found that installing qt and paraview through vcpkg bundled too many unnecessary dependencies, and the installation took a very long time. Also, I’m currently building manually from the paraview source code. Is there a way to fully automate building ParaView into my existing Qt application? Thank you so much!

Then there is no Qt shipped with ParaView

Is there a way to fully automate building ParaView into my existing Qt application?

Yes, absolutely. Just build ParaView against your existing Qt then create a ParaView branded application.

Yes, that’s fine.

I wanted to use Cmake’s FetchContent module to automatically process it, but failed.Could you please provide some examples for reference?

Thank you so much!

Before using FetchContent, you want to be able to use FindPackage first.

See an example here:

Thank you very much!

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