how to transfer scalar data from Mesh A to Mesh B

Hello dear paraview users,
i was wondering if it is possible to transfer or interpolate a scalar data from a Mesh A to a different Mesh B?
Knowing that Mesh A and B have the same geometry… but different meshgrid!
My data is stored in data.vtu (i got it from a Elmer FEA software. My scalar is the temperature for example ). My meshed were made with GMSG and these are called MeshA.msh and MeshB.msh.
I hope that my question is clear? and that there is a solution under Paraview :wink:

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Hi Sebastien,
You’ll have to use the Programmable Filter
Here is a ParaView state file that transfers the Normals from a cube looking superquadric to a sphere looking superquadric.

transfer-scalar.pvsm (498 KB)

For your case, since you want to potentially interpolate values from a mesh to another, you can use Resample With DataSet filter. The filter allows you to choose the dataset providing the Source Data Arrays and the other providing the Destination Mesh.

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Thank you very much for your solution… i’m gonna test it as soon as possible.



Thank you very much for your reply.

I noticed this option “resample with data set” but did not really understood how to use it and i did not find any tutos or example so far!

i will investigate it surely. I m not a paraview expert, i only use it to visualize data and export some data but i never used the filter capabilities!



Thank you for posting this. I’ve been trying to append a small part of dataset B to dataset A, trying to make dataset A’s mesh the same as B’s, but it never worked. Resample With Dataset solved this for me.