How to use PBR rendering ?

Hello, i saw your promising PBR but I can’t find the way to make it working !
What I am tested is a stl surface imported in Paraview 5.11.0 on which I try to make the surface looking metallic or carbon fiber or whatever. I have loaded the textures from here:
I try to follow this:
but Texture Coordinates remains to None, as Normal and Tangent Arrays.
What could be wrong here ?
Many thanks if you could help.

Please share data and screenshots

edited with the screenshot

Well, do you have texture coordinates in the data ?

Please share data and screenshots of the data

What do you mean? How to check / where to check texture coordinates in the data ?

Please share data and screenshots of the data

please could you give an example of what you need.
I just don’t understand what you mean by data for an imported stl surface.
I also don’t know where to look for the data. Where should it be?
Sorry but I use your software quite a lot but I am not an expert at all.

When something looks wrong, the best way to help is to be able to see the problem and to reproduce it.

Then “screenshot” means an image that show the unexpected behavior, like the 3D scene that is actually rendered on your screen. And “data” means the file(s) you are loading so someone else can load it too and give it a try

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Thanks Nicolas. Sorry I can’t share the file for NDA reason.
But may be it was possible to look at my first screenshot and suggest me to add a filter like ‘TexturemaptoSphere’ to get the Texture Coordinates appearing in the Coloring Filter !
… was that so difficult from the support point of view?

This is not a paid support, this an open forum where people just try to freely help people like you.

No problem. That’s kind of you and Mathieu to have looked at my question.
The PBR is far from working well on my side but I’ll try to find my way.
Many thanks

For PBR rendering, I’d suggest you turn on “ray tracing” (either OSPray or OptiX) and assign a material (select one of the materials in the material setting).

I’m not sure what you mean, raytracing is not PBR. It is realistic, just not with PBR techniques.