Import tecplot data

Hi! I have an issue importing tecplot .tec file from Autodesk CFD to paraview. As you can see on the figure, I have no data to plot, which is strange since I have a lot of data in the file and the tecplot pattern seems respected. @Federico_Giacomarra Is it possible for you to share your tecplot file so I can check on my PC if the issue comes from my file or from Paraview please?

Please share your data

Hi Mathieu,
The .tec file is too heavy (1 Go). I tried to upload it but an error occured. I summarized my .tec file in the joined file :

  1. Headers
  2. Part 1 : 12 columns, 2 639 410 lines
  3. Part 2 : 8 columns, 12 222 904 lines
    Is it understandable for you?
    Scénario 1_summarized.tec (1.0 KB)

Haha true! Here it is!

Works fine in ParaView 5.12.0:


However the resulting geometry doesn’t look right:

I tried it on Paraview 5.12.0 but it still does not show anything. This is what I did; is there something I should do differently?

  1. Open …
  2. Selecting my .tec file
  3. Selecting the Tecplot Reader (the VisIt Tecplot Reader crashes Paraview) → Ok
  4. Still no data to plot

Try putting the file to another path, the \\ at the beginning is suspect.

Ok the problem was in the name of the file. If I leave it as “Scénario 1_s659.tec” it does not work, but if I change it to “test.tec” it works.
There is still a problem with the reading of the file (eather the file is corrupted or Paraview .tec reading is bad) but that’s for another question :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot Mathieu!

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