Hey guys,
I produce a simple VTK image dataset (“model.vti” - xml, not binary) with a single data array called “values”. I can easily drag and drop into ParaView desktop and visualise the “values”, as shown below:
Everything seems normal in ParaView desktop, i can apply filters like clipping, etc and get no error messages. However, when i read/load the same model.vti file into ParaView Glance (the version directly hosted by Kitware on Github), i get thousands of error messages “No scalars from input” and “No input!”, with nothing displaying in the app (shown below). Has anyone experienced this before, or am i doing something wrong with my image data? From the supported file formats web page, i understood that ParaView Glance should be able to visualise/handle .vti files?
My model.vti data:
model.vti (6.8 KB)
Thanks for any help,