Installing Paraview in headless/Offscreen mode using Spack


I am trying to install ParaView to HPC platform in headless mode with spack without no luck. At this point I am using following command in spack side,

spack install paraview@5.13.1%oneapi@2024.2.1+libcatalyst+fortran~ipo+mpi+python

It installs without any issue but at this point I am getting

vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.:656    ERR| vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x415af50): Cannot create GLX context.  Aborting.

and also

(   4.332s) [pvbatch         ]vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow.:460    ERR| vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow (0x1a705bd0): bad X server connection. DISPLAY=

errors. I wonder if spack installation supports headless/Offscreen mode or not. Any suggestion would be helpful.

you could try this Building Paraview through spack - #7 by jfavre

Okay. Testing now. I’ll update you soon. Thanks for your help.