Interactive selection of cells based on ParaView generated parameters

Hi all,

I am still new to ParaView and this issue I have did not appear in previous threads so I thought to raise a new one.

A few days ago I asked a question about using ParaView GUI to identify faces of a given geometry and got suggested this beautiful solution by @Kenneth_Moreland: Accessing points associated to a cell from the Programmable Filter or Python Shell - #5 by Kenneth_Moreland

Based on the method of @Kenneth_Moreland, I was able to access individual faces by a property RegionId, which is created from the Connectivity filter.

I am now trying to select the individual faces based on this RegionId. I can already do this using the Find Data panel, as shown in the image below:

Using the Extract option in Find Data gives me the selected surface (All cells with RegionId=7).

Is it also possible to do the same selection of the surface (i.e., all cells with RegionId=7) via GUI? Perhaps there is an option within selecting within Views that is not obvious to a newbie like me? (Relevant docs page: 6. Selecting Data — ParaView Documentation 5.11.0 documentation).

A relevant ParaView state file for the star geometry in the image above is attached to this post.

Many thanks in advance for your help and advice!

star.pvsm (532.3 KB)

You cannot do it directly. But what you can do is convert the single mesh with RegionID into a partitioned structure that the ParaView GUI will understand.

There is no direct filter to do it, but it has been discussed before: How to create a collection of blocks (multi block) based on connectivity. The instructions there are a bit out of date, so here is an update.

Create a Programmable Filter. Set the output data type to vtkPartitionedDataSet. Set the script to the following:

import vtk
inp = self.GetInputDataObject(0, 0)
out = self.GetOutput()

outData = vtk.vtkPartitionedDataSet()

rangeID = inputs[0].CellData.GetArray('RegionId').GetRange()
outData.SetNumberOfPartitions(int(rangeID[1]) + 1)

for ic in range(int(rangeID[0]), int(rangeID[1]) + 1):
    thresh = vtk.vtkThreshold()
    tooutData = thresh.GetOutputDataObject(0)
    outData.SetPartition(ic, tooutData)


This will run internally run the threshold filter on all region ids and then collect them into a vtkPartitionedDataSet.

Once you have a vtkPartitionedDataSet, you can use select block image (or just hit b) in the view and click on a face to select it.

star-blocks.pvsm (670.2 KB)

Hi @Kenneth_Moreland, I had the chance to try this solution out today, and it works really well!

I initially had some issues, I could not get a python package pygments to work on the Programmable Filter; and our ParaView installation is made through Spack (which has a separate python installation for ParaView) so it would not have been straightforward to fix. But when I reset the ParaView and tried running the Programmable Filter, I no longer had the issue.

For other readers of this thread, I also get this error when running the Programmable Filter:

( 174.785s) [paraview ]vtkDemandDrivenPipeline:776 ERR| vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0xce96a00): Input for connection index 0 on input port index 0 for algorithm vtkExtractBlockUsingDataAssembly (0x130e4180) is of type vtkPartitionedDataSet, but a vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection is required.
( 174.786s) [paraview ]vtkDataAssemblyUtilitie:815 ERR| GetSelectorForCompositeId is only supported on a data-assembly representation a hierarchy.
( 174.787s) [paraview ]vtkDataAssemblyUtilitie:815 ERR| GetSelectorForCompositeId is only supported on a data-assembly representation a hierarchy.
( 194.500s) [paraview ]vtkDataAssemblyUtilitie:815 ERR| GetSelectorForCompositeId is only supported on a data-assembly representation a hierarchy.

But this error had no effect on the selection of the “blocks”. After the programmable filter. I was able to use image and Extract Selection to get the faces that I wanted.

Thanks again for the quick and effective advice!


Alternatively you can use the selection by point/cell data directly:

  • Open your dataset
  • Connectivity, Apply
  • ColorBy regionId, cell or point
  • Select by cell/point data:

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