Interactive selection of cells based on ParaView generated parameters

You cannot do it directly. But what you can do is convert the single mesh with RegionID into a partitioned structure that the ParaView GUI will understand.

There is no direct filter to do it, but it has been discussed before: How to create a collection of blocks (multi block) based on connectivity. The instructions there are a bit out of date, so here is an update.

Create a Programmable Filter. Set the output data type to vtkPartitionedDataSet. Set the script to the following:

import vtk
inp = self.GetInputDataObject(0, 0)
out = self.GetOutput()

outData = vtk.vtkPartitionedDataSet()

rangeID = inputs[0].CellData.GetArray('RegionId').GetRange()
outData.SetNumberOfPartitions(int(rangeID[1]) + 1)

for ic in range(int(rangeID[0]), int(rangeID[1]) + 1):
    thresh = vtk.vtkThreshold()
    tooutData = thresh.GetOutputDataObject(0)
    outData.SetPartition(ic, tooutData)


This will run internally run the threshold filter on all region ids and then collect them into a vtkPartitionedDataSet.

Once you have a vtkPartitionedDataSet, you can use select block image (or just hit b) in the view and click on a face to select it.

star-blocks.pvsm (670.2 KB)