Is there a setting to attempt to keep ParaView alive after a server disconnect?

I often run into the issue where ParaView client/server will disconnect for some reason, e.g., put my client (laptop) to sleep/hibernate, WiFi network blips / changes. Whenever the server disconnects, you get the message that ParaView will quit since it may be in an unrecoverable state:

My question is whether it’s possible to ask it not to quit, but to either

  1. Attempt to reconnect to the server
  2. Issue a “Reset Session” command and attempt to stay alive.

Either one of these being possible would save me considerable pain.

Is the server still running ?

In any case, there is no server recovery code in ParaView where a disconnected server and client could reconnect. This is maybe implementable.

The dialog you see is usually received when the server stopped for some reason, which is a typical usecase with HPC node reserver finishing.

In many cases, yes (or at least it appears to be). Here’s an example where I’ve spun up pvserver via my workstation (VS Code remote shell) and then connected a ParaView client on my laptop. After connecting I then disconnected and reconnected the laptop’s VPN temporarily, simulating going through a short tunnel while on the train – causing the client to crash (note the VPN has reconnected):

Here’s the VS Code session on the workstation that launched pvserver in the background. Note that I’ve aliased my pvserver command:

alias pvserver='/path/to/paraview_headless/bin/mpiexec -n 8 /path/to/paraview_headless/bin/pvserver --server-port=14774'

This screenshot was taken ~30 seconds after the client ParaView crashed… looks like pvserver is still running.

Though launching a new client and trying to connect fails to connect:

In many cases, yes (or at least it appears to be).

Then it truly means that there is a transient disconnection that unsynchronize the server and the client.

I see two ways forward:

  1. Being more resilient to disconnection
  2. Add some kind of recovery code so that client and server can reset session and connect again