I often run into the issue where ParaView client/server will disconnect for some reason, e.g., put my client (laptop) to sleep/hibernate, WiFi network blips / changes. Whenever the server disconnects, you get the message that ParaView will quit since it may be in an unrecoverable state:
In many cases, yes (or at least it appears to be). Here’s an example where I’ve spun up pvserver via my workstation (VS Code remote shell) and then connected a ParaView client on my laptop. After connecting I then disconnected and reconnected the laptop’s VPN temporarily, simulating going through a short tunnel while on the train – causing the client to crash (note the VPN has reconnected):
Here’s the VS Code session on the workstation that launched pvserver in the background. Note that I’ve aliased my pvserver command:
alias pvserver='/path/to/paraview_headless/bin/mpiexec -n 8 /path/to/paraview_headless/bin/pvserver --server-port=14774'
This screenshot was taken ~30 seconds after the client ParaView crashed… looks like pvserver is still running.