Is there any abilities to add a interactive widgets on LineChartView same as 3D widgets on RenderView?

Is there any abilities to add a interactive widgets on LineChartView same as 3D widgets on RenderView?
If it’s possible, then how can I do it? What classes I should to use?

I implemented the ability to adding interactive widgets on LineChartView and made a few widgets. One of them is ‘Equalizer’. For more details see demo video below.

Now it’s in progress and will be improved but already can be used. If this functionality will be interesting for community then I can prepare merge request and share my code. Is this functionality needed in ParaView?

Looks nice!

Of course, you can add any item you want in VTK, but I think there is a mechanism missing in ParaView to show them like you do, so this would be quite interesting.

FYI, in VTK there is already an item similar to your widget (but definitely not equal). You can see it in the ColorOpacityEditor, when you edit a color map and change the opacity function.

Thanks, Mathieu.

I created the issue:
and merge request:

I updated the code to merge with ParaView 5.8 and improved usability. The details are in the video.

I also updated the merger requests.
@mwestphal @utkarsh.ayachit review my code, please.

I’ve reviewed your vtk MR.

Thanks, Mathieu!
I’ve already pushed the changes into VTK MR.
Also review my ParaView MR, please.
Thank you in advance.