Is this possible to plot one point representing the average for n points instead of all points

I mean you could use Python plugin with precompiled binaries from ParaView website ( You need to compile PV from sources if you want to use c++ plugins.

I’m already using the paraview application if that’s what you mean.

I think I’ll just stop using paraview and get back to matplotlib with this script

import numpy as np

def decimate(csvfile, factor=1000):
    data = np.recfromcsv(csvfile, dtype=None, names=True, delimiter=',', autostrip=True)
    output = np.recarray((np.shape(data)[0] // factor,), dtype=data.dtype)
    for name in data.dtype.names:
        input_row = np.array(data[name])
        output_row = input_row[: len(input_row) // factor * factor].reshape(-1, factor).mean(1)
        output[name] = output_row
    print("file decimated")
    return output

With ParaView:

And Python plugin code:

Created on Wed Jan 26 18:33:05 2022

@author: pavel.novikov

from paraview.util.vtkAlgorithm import *

                label="Reader for .csv files with signal",                
                extensions="csv CSV",
                file_description="CSV with signal")
class PythonCSVSignalReader(VTKPythonAlgorithmBase):
    """A reader that reads a .csv file"""
    def __init__(self):
        VTKPythonAlgorithmBase.__init__(self, nInputPorts=0, nOutputPorts=1,

        self._filename = None        
        self._k = 10
        self._s = 0.01
    @smproperty.stringvector(name="FileName", visibility="hidden")
                        file_description="CSV file with signal")
    def SetFileName(self, name):
        """Specify filename for the file to read."""
        if self._filename != name:
            self._filename = name

    @smproperty.intvector(name="DownsampligCoef", default_values=10)
    def SetK(self, k):
        if self._k != k:
            self._k = k
    @smproperty.doublevector(name="ScaleL", default_values=0.01)
    def SetS(self, s):
        if self._s != s:
            self._s = s
    def RequestInformation(self, request, inInfoVec, outInfoVec):
        """Actions after selecting csv file before pressing Apply button"""

        from vtkmodules.vtkCommonExecutionModel import vtkAlgorithm
        outInfo = outInfoVec.GetInformationObject(0)
        outInfo.Set(vtkAlgorithm.CAN_HANDLE_PIECE_REQUEST(), 1)
        if self._filename is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No filename specified")                    
        return 1    
    def RequestData(self, request, inInfoVec, outInfoVec):
        """Actions after pressing Apply button"""
        import vtk
        import csv
        output = self.GetOutputDataObject(0)        
        if not output.IsA("vtkUnstructuredGrid"):        
             print("Wrong output data type. Should be vtkUnstructuredGrid.")
             raise SystemExit   
        self.output = output
        file = open(self._filename)
        csv_reader = csv.reader(file)
        h = next(csv_reader)        
        points = vtk.vtkPoints()        
        i_local = 0        
        sum_local_t = 0.0
        sum_local_l = 0.0
        for row in csv_reader:
            i_local += 1            
            sum_local_l += float(row[0])
            sum_local_t += float(row[1])
            if i_local >= self._k:
                t = sum_local_t / self._k
                l = sum_local_l / self._k
                points.InsertNextPoint(t, self._s*l, 0.0)
                i_local = 0
                sum_local_t = 0.0
                sum_local_l = 0.0        
        return 1

Hope this is a solution for your initial request.