Is wiki ServerManager_2.0 up to date?

Hello dear Paraview developers!

Could you verify this wiki page to be up-to-date

Could you please advise me something more on this same topic?

Thank you!

I did not read but note the footer

This page was last edited on 14 July 2010, at 14:38.

Also, it seems to be about multi-client, that will more likely be deprecated / removed, as stated in this issue:

Dear Nicolas!

Could you please advise me a guide on how to use proxies and properties?

I would highly appreciate any guide or a set of examples on how to use it properly and with understanding of what is happening

Best regards!

Ok, I miss your point, sorry.

Indeed, there is a lack of documentation.
ServerManager is mainly made of vtkSMProxy containing vtkSMProperty. The linked headers contains information about how to use them in c++.

We use them quite a lot in the GUI layer as in pqXXXVectorPropertyWidget classes.
You can also have a look at different examples. For instance the MyProxy Example.

Also, if someone has time to contribute, it should probably worth adding a page on ParaView: ParaView C++ API Documentation

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